Mid-point Reflection

As I've reached the midpoint of my personal experiment I feel that its now a valuable time to reflect on the progress that I've made so in adopting a new habit. As such, on this on this third week, I would proudly say that I have succeeded in not eating any meat on Monday. This habit has become easier to stick to overtime as I've gotten used to planning out what I'll eat ahead of time with my parents.

If I was to end the experiment now I would most likely be able to easily continue on with this habit as the parental support and my association with Mondays and not eating meat. Additionally, my motivation to reduce carbon footprint by estimated 6.6 ponds of CO2 per meal (1) and decrease my support for industries that inhumanely raise billions of livestock every year (2) has helped to insure that I stick to my habit after the project ends. Also, the fact that my habit only involves not eating a specif food once a week helps to insure that this habit isn't something that takes an excessive amount of effort to include into my lifestyle. 

Additionally, after reading an article by James Clear on the process of forming new habits I have been able to better understand how and why I have been able to adopt this habit so quickly. According to the article the length of time that it takes to acquire new habits varies from person to person and can be influenced by a variety of factors such as the difficulty of the task, consistency of the task, and willingness to commit to adopting the new habit. However, on average the article stated that it took over two months for a habit to become automatic or 66 days to be exact.

1. http://css.umich.edu/factsheets/carbon-footprint-factsheet
2. https://www.aspca.org/animal-cruelty/farm-animal-welfare
3. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1BKF8f_-HXrLnVvWLN72AAbwHM5eTivL0AqfLE1xsx68/edit#


  1. My project is a bit similar to your's but instead I only ate meat on the weekends. In hindsight, it probably would have been easier to keep my habit if I started with a smaller change to my diet that that. Also, if you want you find out more about how food can be farmed more sustainably, you should check out the Agriculture CA.

  2. I really agree with the last paragraph of this post! The time for a person to adopt to behavior is not the same for everyone. From my experience of not eating meat the past few weeks, I have almost adopted to resist eating meat without a thought. I'm guessing if I continue my habit after the 30 days, I can adapt to my new behavior within 45-60 days.

  3. I think its great how you used a reference from an article about forming habits and committing to new habits! Also statistics like 66 days exactly to form a habit.

  4. I liked this blog but how are you getting your friends/family to join you? Maybe add something about that or add how you would do it at least.

  5. i like how you used an article and also statistics from that article to validate your point and make it easier for the reader to understand.

  6. Great job on sticking to your plan! I know you mentioned not having this become a substantial part of your life, but do you think you could slowly go meatless for three or two days a week? Just so you had a bigger impact?


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